I decided to crop the picture just above the water line 我决定把这张照片水印以下的部分裁掉。
Soon they were only dots above the hard line of the horizon. 很快他们就成了地平线上的几个小点了。
This may end efforts to set a minimum wage well above the poverty line. 这可能会使将最低工资定得远高于贫困线的努力告吹。
To draw a guard on a sequence diagram in UML1. x, you placed the guard element above the message line being guarded and in front of the message name. UML1.x中,为了在一个序列图上画一个约束,你把约束元件放在约束的消息线上,消息名字之前。
The message/ method name is placed above the arrowed line. 消息/方法名字放置在带箭头的线上面。
The minus sign (-) or plus sign (+) before each change corresponds with the file names directly above the line. 每个更改前的减号(-)或加号(+)与行上方的文件名一致。
What tipped them from middle-class lifestyles to incomes just above the poverty line was likely to have been one or all of three factors. 而她们之所以从中产阶级生活沦落到收入仅高于贫困线的境地,可能是出于三个因素(或其中之一)。
The point is that it is getting more and more difficult to stay above the poverty line. 问题在于保持在贫困线以上的困难度越来越大。
This led to the idea that having some sort of gateway agent was beneficial and gave a step above the command line. 因此他想到利用网关代理,比命令行更进了一步。
Exceptional items are noted above the line in company account. 特殊项目记在公司帐目的横线之上。
Normally, a good turn is started above the fall line with close to90% of the weight on the outside ski as demonstrated here by the author. 通常,一个好的转弯在入弯的时候90%的力量都是放在外侧板上,就像下图中作者演示的那样。
When the fast line rises above the slow line, it shows that market participants are becoming more bullish. 当快线上涨到慢线之上,它表明市场参与者变成多头了。
The meaning of the current account balance can be seen by comparing what is above the line with what is below it. 经常项目差额的含意可以通过对比线之上和线之下的项目看出。
Happily, Kishtapur is a village that has risen above the poverty line. 令人高兴的是,开希特普村已经脱离了贫困线。
I wrote a comment on Furong's blog yesterday, the one copyed it in his or her comment ( above the line). 昨天我在芙蓉姐姐的博客上写了个评论,具体内容他(她)也帮我复制了在该评论的横线上方。
Some plants can even survive in favorable microhabitats above the snow line. 有些植物甚至能在雪线上一个合适的小环境里存活生长。
A buffer cushion is arranged in the middle line crossing pedestal; a line crossing location limiting plate is arranged above the middle line crossing pedestal. 在中过线座的内设有缓冲垫,在中过线座的上方设有过线限位板。
Above the tree line there is a zone that is generally called alpine tundra. 在树木线上有一个区域通常被称为高山冻原。
Is on the first recurve up above the divergent line. 在分界线上面的第一个弯曲上。
There are cities that were founded because they were just above the mosquito line. 一些城市因为位于蚊子线之上而被建立。
The summer range lay above the tree line on Forest Service land on Brokeback Mountain. 夏日的牧场在断背山上,位于森林管理部门划定的树木保护线以上。
Shall I write my answer below or above the line? 我应该把答案写在线上方还是写在线下方?
One anomaly found in the study was that fewer disabilities were seen in people on or slightly above the poverty line than in people with incomes two to three times above the poverty line. 研究中发现的一种反常现象是,收入处于贫困线上或略高于贫困线水平的人,丧失身体机能的情况少于收入为贫困线水平2至3倍的人。
The new coats blouse gracefully above the hip line. 新外套在臀围线上优美地打着褶皱。
Study on Monolithic Movement Technology of High Barycenter Objects; height of the center of gravity above the base line 高重心类结构体的整体平移技术研究船舶的重心距基线高度
In addition, the MACD indicator, which is trending above the zero line, crossed above its signal line today and hence confirms the bull case. 另外标普的MACD指标在零线上方交叉至信号线之上,这一金叉形态也支持看涨的判断。
It is short lived, and there is a substantial breakout when price moves above the line of resistance. 这是短暂的,并且有很大的突破时,波动上述线的阻力。
Pioneering plants get a toehold above the tide line on Australia's Fraser Island. 先驱植物在澳大利亚弗雷泽岛的潮汐线上获得立足之地。
( biology) living or growing above the timber line. (生物学)生活或者生长在林线以上。
The current account balance puts above the line all credits and debits representing flows of goods, services, and gifts. 经常项目差额把表示商品、劳务和赠与等流量的全部贷方和借方项目都放在线之上。